World of Warcraft Expansions – A Review of WotLK and Mists of Pandaria

There is no doubt that World of Warcraft (WoW) is, without a doubt, the most popular MMORPG on the internet today. First released in 2021 by Blizzard Entertainment, World of Warcraft quickly became the dominant powerhouse in the MMORPG industry. From humble beginnings as a mod for the PC, it has grown over the years to become one of the biggest MMORPGs in the world today. Today, there is more World of Warcraft expansions than there are games in the entire industry. With so many new and exciting games coming out each day, it is easy to see why World of Warcraft is still the number one MMORPG.

This expansion pack was released in November of 2021, and the first expansion pack to be released was the Burning Crusade. It was instantly recognized as one of the biggest updates to date for the game with so many unique features. The major feature in this expansion pack was implementing a class system, where players were now able to pick an individual race or spec to play. This was a welcome change from the old school method of playing a class and grinding to level up the character, but it brought some problems.

One of the biggest complaints against the Burning Crusade was that it took away some of the fun that existed in previous game versions. Players were becoming frustrated because they had to grind a few hours each week to get some experience or get better weapons. The removal of certain features caused many to turn their back on WoW. Luckily, the developers quickly learned from their mistakes and decided to create another expansion pack introduced with World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King.

The wrath of the Lich King changed everything. Instead of merely improving on the same content already available, the expansion pack included all-new content. Some areas were left untouched, while others received major improvements. There were new dungeons, new raids, and even new races for players to choose from. In the end, Wrath of the Lich King was the most successful World of Warcraft expansions to date.

World of Warcraft: Cataclysm is the last major World of Warcraft expansion before the “Shattering the Frozen Throne” event. This will mark the end of the current WoW phase and introduce a new era of gameplay. Many fans are anxious to see the result, but, understandably, not everyone will be satisfied with the outcome. The base pack may receive a low sales count because not every player is happy with the changes. That is why I have prepared this article to discuss what fans need to know about the base pack and what they can expect from the expansion.

World of Warcraft: Cataclysm features a familiar face, Cho’Bryl, and several exciting new faces. The story involves the events after the Shattering the Frozen Throne when the Horde and the Burning Legion invaded the world of Azeroth. Players will have to choose whether or not their faction should join up with the Horde or remain loyal to their friends. If you have been following the expansion, you will know that the Alliance was the one who won the battle and has taken over the world of Azeroth. If you are a Horde player, you will need to read on.

World of Warcraft: Cataclysm is going to include two completely new races for gamers to enjoy. One of these races is the Worgen, a tribe of humanoids who are located on the Northrend. They are the descendants of the elves and the turn and were given the land of Northrend by the Highlord Ner’zhul. If you choose to play Worgens, you will have to defeat the gruff race called the Worgen to gain entry into the Horde. These Worgens are tough, requiring powerful warrior characters to be effective, and can be found in the said invasion’s various cities such as Undercity, Stormwind, and Shadowprey.

The other new race introduced with World of Warcraft: Cataclysm is the Blood Elves. These are the mystical, magical creatures of the Silver Hand and the allies of the Alliance. They are the masters of magic and use magical spells to protect Azeroth. These magical beings were allied with the Alliance during the Shattering the Frozen Throne event but afterward decided to leave as the Horde threatened the world. The Worgens were among the first to abandon their homeland to come to Kalimdor and fight alongside its denizens against the Horde. They bring with them many powerful artifacts that can aid their new allies in their fight against the evil Horde.

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